Wine Feudo Maccari red dry 13.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry  15 g/l
  • Strength 13.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Italy   Sicily

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Feudo Maccari is a wine produced over many generations from unique grape varieties in Sicily. At the moment, the wine is produced using advanced technologies, which allows it to achieve a high level of quality. The incredible richness of aromas and flavors of Feudo Maccari is due to the original grape varieties, which are carefully selected for each wine. Their aromas are rich in subtle notes of iris, noble herbs, spices and berries. The taste is perfectly balanced and combines pleasant bitterness and refreshing sourness. Feudo Maccari wine is perfect for all occasions and goes well with a variety of dishes.


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