Wine Kvareli cellar of Pirosmani (Mother Georgia) red medium dry 13% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Georgia   Kakheti

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Kvareli Cellar of Pirosmani (Mother Georgia) is a wine with a unique history, which is the perfect combination of ancient tradition and modern technology. Comes from Kvareli - the birthplace of the famous artist and painter Pirosmani. The wine is made from the best Georgian grape varieties, as well as from imported varieties. It is placed in various oak barrels for additional flavor and solidity. Wine Kvareli Cellar of Pirosmani (Mother Georgia) has a variety of flavors, which is a dense fruit body, sweet tones and light spice. It is perfect for serving with various culinary delicacies and perfectly lifts the mood on any holiday.


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