Wine Barefoot Chardonnay white medium dry 13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Chardonnay
  • USA   ZNMP

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Barefoot Chardonnay is a very special and accomplished wine. Its amazing aroma is filled with subtle notes of traditional Italian fruits and vanilla. The taste of this wine combines sweet notes of figs, a bouquet of fine yoghurt aromas and a rich, creamy character. In the aftertaste, this wine provides stunning floral notes and pleasant bitterness. Barefoot Chardonnay is the perfect accompaniment to a holiday meal or seafood dish. It will create an unforgettable wine journey and delight you with unforgettable taste sensations.


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