Sparkling wine Crimean TM Koktebel rose medium sweet 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  •   Crimea

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Crimean TM Koktebel is a sparkling wine that is the perfect combination of aromas and pleasant taste. It combines spicy notes of anise, sweet citrus aroma and a subtle bitterness of sage. The wine has a light aroma and its color is pale gold. At the first sip you will feel harmony, pleasant sourness and subtle bitterness, and then the taste of anise and citrus will come. The wine gives pleasant citrus notes on the aftertaste. This wonderful wine is suitable for romantic evenings and festive celebrations. It goes perfectly with spicy dishes, cheeses and sweet desserts. Crimean TM Koktebel wine is also suitable for long-term storage.


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