Sparkling wine Borgo Sole Lambrusco Dell`Emilia Rosato Amabile rose medium sweet 8% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 8 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Lambrusco 
  •   IGT

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"Borgo Sole Lambrusco Dell`Emilia Rosato Amabile" is a unique and exquisite sparkling wine that is produced in Emilian vineyards. The pleasant deep pink color is reminiscent of the superb color of a spring rose. The aroma of this wine is complemented by notes of pear, orange, vanilla and nutmeg. This fine wine has a pleasantly sweet taste that combines acidity and florality that pairs wonderfully with fresh fruit or cheese dishes. The taste of Borgo Sole Lambrusco Dell`Emilia Rosato Amabile will not leave you indifferent!


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