Wine Le Grand Winemaker's Selection Noir Pinor 2019y red medium dry 12.5% 750ml

  • Harvest 2019 y
  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 12.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France   Languedoc-Roussillon

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Le Grand Winemaker's Selection Noir Pinor is a rich and complex wine created from one of Australia's most popular grape varieties. The combination of black currant, bittersweet chocolate and cinnamon aromas creates a unique, inimitable taste experience. This wine is grown in the deep soils of Victoria, where high humidity and slightly acidic soils create ideal conditions for the growth and spectacle of this unique wine. Le Grand Winemaker's Selection Noir Pinor is a unique wine, ideal for true wine lovers.


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